JSDA Profile
Japan Soap and Detergent Association is an industrial association (producer's group)
consisting of soap and detergent manufacturers,
as well as the manufacturers of oil and fat products
which are ingredients used in soap and detergent manufacturing.
Poster Contest
In order to preserve the health of children who bear the next generation, JSDA had been carrying a few programs to arouse public attention to cleanliness of the whole society, as one of social contribution activities. "Wash-Hands-For-Clean-H ands Poster Contest", began 2009 for children in the elementary school or under.
MoreSchool-based Hand Washing Promotion
Hand washing is a fundamental practice to help prevent the spread of infectious diseases. Ever since our foundation, JSDA has been conducting a hand washing educational program among young children to let children keep hand washing a habit.
MoreVoluntary Standard for Use and Applications of Product Safety Icons
The Japan Soap and Detergent Association engages in various activities with the aim of preventing accidents related to the handling of consumer products, including accidental ingestion or contact with the skin and eyes, which may lead to serious problems.